About Us

The miles The Miles was established in Tokyo in February 2024, targeting chip product development or chip design companies in countries or regions such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan. We provide customers with comprehensive chip outsourcing and supporting solutions, ranging from IP development and design services to supply chain management.

In the next three years, The Miles in Tokyo will serve as a window company, primarily engaging in project management and supply chain management. The implementation of design services will mainly be entrusted to our partner companies in Mainland China.

The Miles and its partner companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as Miles) have a total of approximately 50 employees. Our engineers have an average of over 15 years of experience, having previously worked for companies such as Hisilicon, Global Foundry, Synopsys, and Marvel.

The core engineers at Miles have delivered numerous medium and large-scale chips. They are former department managers or directors responsible for IP development, design services, and supply chain management, with expertise in areas such as data communication, 4G/5G SoC, automotive, and industrial mixed-signal SoC.

The Miles management team possesses extensive experience in the full process of chip development from specification to mass production. They have led multiple chip design and production processes, including reliability tests such as AECQ100, as well as mass production preparation and execution like FT/CP. Familiar with multi-channel wafer fabrication at TSMC, SMIC, GF, and UMC, we can offer turnkey services. We provide reasonable suggestions from a global and progress-planning perspective to avoid major risks.